
You may be a president of a country, a governor of state, a CEO of a multinational corporation, a political bigwig-if your position is mainly helping you to amass wealth for yourself and members of your household, you are yet to reach your destiny. Destiny is not about you. It’s about the needs of others. It’s about making a difference. It’s about influencing your generation and society in a positive way.

Many struggle, fight, blackmail, backstab, and even kill to occupy one office or another just so that they could use the position to get back at perceived enemies, put their names on the list of the World’s Richest, and garner influence and connections. Deep in their hearts, they believe they have reached their destinies. How sad. No wonder many of them, despite the unending flow of money and influence, still live in fear and self-doubt.

Wealth, influence, and connections may bring temporary happiness. Real fulfillment, however, comes when you live your destiny. It follows therefore that you may be poor and still have a sense of fulfillment if you have lived your destiny. If occupying any of those offices is your destiny, when you discharge the roles expected of you, you would not only have happiness, it would come with an unfathomable joy that knows no bound. It means therefore that destiny may or may not be about financial prosperity or influence.

More often than not, something has to happen to precipitate chains of events that would eventually push you to your destiny. Otherwise, it’s possible to just settle for less or accept a mediocre life as your destiny. It’s important to realize that sometimes these events may be very unpleasant. It was not a pleasant experience being locked up in the Dungeon, but without this experience, Joseph would not have met Pharaoh’s Cupbearer, who eventually linked him up with Pharaoh. That is why when you go through tough times, instead of murmuring and lamenting, you need to take time and ask God what lesson He wants you to learn from that experience.

It’s very crucial when you pray not to insist that God should only bless you where you are. Ask God to cause events to happen in your life so that you will get to your location of destiny. Mind you, some events may be unpleasant. Look, if something had not happened to take Joseph out of his father’s house to a distant land, there is no way he would have become the ruler over Egypt and in the process fulfill his destiny. Esther would not have become a Queen by staying put in Canaan.