
If you are like the prophet Jeremiah, the Word of the Lord is “as a burning fire shut up in your bones?” Many have been called by God to preach or teach the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, but either they don’t know yet or they are reluctant to obey because they believe that they are not ready or properly equipped for such a call.

Sound Leaders are lacking today, whether in the church or the secular field because the biblical principles of leadership have not been properly inculcated into them.

GCC Leadership Academy is poised to expose the leadership principles propagated by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, which, to a large extent, are already embodied in some contemporary leadership theories on both the church and the world stage.

GCC Leadership Academy, therefore, is for those who wish to take their call to the next level by getting the discipline, training, and doctrinal understanding that will spur up that leadership urge in them and meet the conditions of becoming an ordained minister of GCC and other churches.

GCC Leadership Academy is dedicated to developing 21st-century leaders and ministers of the gospel who are full of sound doctrine and devoted to the spreading of the Good News of Jesus Christ and His salvation throughout the world.

As a matter of church policy, graduation from GCC Leadership Academy is a pre-condition for ordination as a minister or pastor. Enrollment is also open to all GCC department leaders and their assistants, as well as outsiders desirous of the kind of empowerment this academy provides.

Registration and course information are shown below.


  1. Course Information
  2. Registration Form
  3. Fee Structure

For more information, contact

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