Transfiguration Experience Crusade is GCC’s annual revival program, usually held in the last three weekends in the month of August and observed by every GCC member and branch all over the world to mark the anniversary of our church. It’s themed after the experience of Jesus Christ in Matthew 17: 1-8.

Transfiguration is a transformed state as a result of a targeted spiritual overhaul. Note the keywords “transformed”, “targeted”, and “spiritual overhaul”. To be transformed is to change from a lower or an inferior form to a better or a more spiritual one, making it possible for the assignment of God to be better channeled through you. Jesus changed from the human form that the disciples could relate to to an enhanced spiritual state that was alien to them (Matthew 17: 1-8).

With this state, Jesus was able to operate in the realm of the supernatural, hence the conversation with Moses and Elijah, who were physically dead but living beings in the spiritual.

Every year, a select group of tested and highly anointed ministers, within and outside the US, gather in GCC for this annual event. Many believers travel from far and near to be a part of this life-changing program.

Don’t miss the opportunity of a lifetime. Be a part of the next one.

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