
Shelters/Orphanages Supplies Drive is more than handing out clothing and other supplies. It’s about creating a bond with those in need and the process of being a Christian resource center for them and their loved ones.

As the Salvation Army rightly puts it, there is no one way to depict homelessness. From time to time, people lose their homes because of lack of money, women seize their children and escape from violent husbands, an illness deprives a person of work, or a layoff happens without warning. In addition to basic needs, we partner with reputable non-profit organizations to provide people in need with project management, mediation programs, health care, childcare for young children, and advice for teens.

To learn more or partner with us, please email us at

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Take the first step towards healing and hope. Reach out to us today and let us walk this journey together in faith.