The Mt. of Transfiguration is an online weekly warfare and deliverance prayer program led by the First Lady of GCC, Pastor Aniema E. Udoh, created solely to teach viewers the spiritual basis of deliverance through carefully crafted prayer points released in a warfare mode. This a-pray-along prayer program.

There’s a lot of confusion in Christendom about deliverance and the place of deliverance in the life of a child of God. Can the devil still hold on to certain areas of your life even though you are born again? Why is it easy for some believers to resist sin and very difficult for others to do so, despite their best efforts? Why are some believers becoming recipients of problems that they never contributed to that passed down from generations, even though they are born again? Why do some people put in little effort and achieve much, while others put in much more and achieve less?

These and more questions are puzzles that The Mt. of Transfiguration tackles through warfare prayers. Warfare prayers are unapologetic, demon-bursting, and chain-breaking fiery arrows released through the Word of the Lord to certain areas of your life being held down by demonic powers.

During this program, the First Lady of GCC teaches you how to take the war to the camps of your enemies to take back, by fire-by-force, what the enemies have taken from you. After these prayer programs, we believe that you would be fully equipped to stand your ground in the arena of spiritual warfare as a Kingdom soldier.

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