
Sometime in 2005, while I was going through an unforgettable season of difficulties and afflictions in my life, and as I was crying to the Lord to try to make meaning of the many battles that were facing me, I had what I later realized was my first out-of-body experience with the Holy Spirit. The first question I needed a serious answer to was, “What does it take to live in victory”. The answer to this question gave rise to my first published book, “Living in Victory: 3 Practical Steps to Overcome the Devil”, and to the setting up of the prayer ministry, called the “Prayer Club”, which transformed later into Gilgal Ministry International, the parent organization of Gilgal Christian Center. I am Pastor Dr. Jerry Udoh., a Certified Public Accountant, a CEO of many businesses, and an accomplished Christian author. I am an apostolic and prophetic minister, and by the grace of God, I am the founder and Senior Pastor of Gilgal Christian Center. I have written many books that have given hope and inspiration to many. I am currently the President of Gilgal Ministry International, a global non-profit Christian organization devoted to reaching the four corners of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, bringing succor to the less privileged in society, and setting people who are bound free from the shackles of Satan through the power of intervening prayer.

Through this medium, if you have the heart for the lost and the downtrodden as I do, I invite you to join me to labor in His vineyard together to shine the light of the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in the dark areas of the World.

I’m married to Pastor Aniema E. Udoh, the first lady of Gilgal Christian Center, a mother figure to all the members in GCC and outside, a person whom God has used in a very unique and powerful way to engineer peace, unity, and growth of the church; my special assistant and spiritual adviser. She superintends over the victorious women’s ministry and leads a special prayer program, called the Mt of Transfiguration, a medium God has used to bring deliverance to many hopeless situations in the lives of people. Together, we become biological parents to four amazing and spirit-filled children – Inyene Magdalene Udoh, Nsikan Glory Udoh, Ifiok Jeremiah Udoh & Andikan Jasper Udoh.