
The GCC Ministerial Affairs, under the able leadership of Pastor Dr. Jerry Udoh and the Pastor-in-charge, Pastor Daniel Ngeno, is to serve in the excellence of Spirit as it strives to meet the ever-growing needs of the church and its attendant ministries. This team of spirit-filled, committed, and loyal members comprises ministers-in-training, ordained ministers, and pastors. Together they form the spiritual and administrative nucleus of GCC.

Mission Statement

Our goal is to be the most spiritually active, responsible, effective, and respected Ministry at GCC. We are to take ownership in supporting our church’s Mission, which says that “Gilgal is set up to reach the unreached with the Gospel of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, take care of the needy and set the captives free through the power of intervening prayer.”

The Office of a Minister

In the early church, the Holy Spirit spoke a word to His Holy Apostles and told them how to order, organize, and ordain the Early Church. The Word that the Holy Spirit spoke in the 3rd Chapter of the Book of Acts was the word – Deacon. A deacon, specifically speaking, is a minister-in-training and a potential participant in the 5-fold ministry. Since 2014, the Holy Spirit led our senior pastor and founder of GCC, to spiritually discern the call of God upon some leaders, bring them together, and anoint them as ministers-in-training, ordained ministers, and pastors to form the spiritual nucleus of GCC. The Ministerial Affairs Team assists the senior pastor in supervising the church’s ministries and departments, offers valuable input for the efficient running of the church, and spends its time and resources to ensure the success of the church’s agendas. Ministers and pastors serve in bible teachings, prayer sessions, church programs, communion services, baptismal services, weddings, funerals, and ordination services. They serve in sensitive areas within the church.

Ministers in Training

Ministers in training are student ministers who have the call within the church or ordained ministers/pastors joining GCC from other churches who must undergo the mandatory training period at GCC to properly position them in their various departments of the church. These are candidates who are trained and tested to fulfill the functions of a minister within the church.
An ordained minister at GCC is already operating in the 5-fold ministry of a teacher, evangelist, pastor, prophet, and apostle. He/she is a potential candidate, depending on character, commitment, and loyalty, to full pastoral office.


As a minister of GCC, you are committed to the following core values:


  • Must be totally Committed and Loyal to Pastor Dr. Jerry Udoh’s direction and vision for the church and the Ministerial team
  • Prayer and Fasting: Prayer and fasting must be your lifestyle for your spiritual growth and empowerment
  • A life of holiness and sacrificial living (Romans 12:1)
  • Must be financially responsible by paying your tithe, offerings, special offerings, and other mandated church financial obligations
  • Influencing generations by the power of our vision and by modeling the way
  • Dedicated to church programs with at least 80% participation, (i.e. 2 Wednesdays, 2 Fridays, 2 Sundays, and the Last Saturday of each month)
  • Encouraging personal growth by developing and empowering from within
  • Capitalizing on our strength of ethnic diversity and teamwork
  • Leaving a legacy of hope and promise to future ministers
  • Operate the ministry professionally and efficiently
  • Supporting Sr. Pastor’s initiatives, physically and financially


  • Being accountable for our every word and action
  • Be a role model in the way we serve in everything we do
  • Treating each other with dignity and respect
  • Support the GCC Ministries to achieve their potential


  • Provide the best servant leadership programs.
  • Increase communication and information.
  • Have competent, responsible people building a strong team.
  • Improve the ministry by improving ourselves.

“…be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord….” 1 Corinthians 15:58


  • Ministers’ and spouses’ breakfast
  • Ministers’ Retreat
  • Ministers’ monthly meeting – every last Saturday
  • Ministers’ Prayer meeting – every 2nd Monday night

For more information contact: email


A. Ministers’ Registration Form
B. Ministers’ Tithe, offering, and mission offering form
C. Ministers’ suggestion form

Send Us a Message!

Take the first step towards healing and hope. Reach out to us today and let us walk this journey together in faith.