
Since the inception of GCC, First Lady Pastor Aniema E. Udoh’s vision for the Victorious Women Ministry has been for women to become one. It is her heart’s yearning for the women to come together as spirit-filled sisters, daughters, mothers, wives, friends, and lifetime legacy mentors who together will set an environment of relational well-being. It is a vision of shared purpose where the sisters’ behaviors exude a gentleness that is heralded as strength; where peace inhabits the innermost part of their hearts, and love is expected to stretch to great lengths. With a doctrinally sound and practical attitude to ministry, the Victorious Women’s ministry seeks not only to meet every woman at the point of her need but to spiritually reinforce her so that she may reach the point of her abundance.

Every woman who is a member of GCC is automatically a member of the ministry. She participates in the ministry by giving back to the church either financially or by volunteering her services in other ministries.

The Victorious Women’s Ministry at GCC holds monthly prayer meetings and two yearly programs – Revival and Women conference with other esteemed speakers, where topics such as relationships and health are addressed.

Monthly Prayer Meeting

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Prayer, to a believer, should be a lifestyle, says Pastor Dr. Jerry Udoh. Based on this statement of belief and truth, our prayer meetings include a time of praise, worship, intercessory prayers, words of encouragement, testimonies of the goodness of the Lord, and just dwelling in His presence. There is no specific agenda or plan; we simply worship in the presence of the Lord and call upon His name.

As a non-denominational Christian church, GCC has, as its core mandate, the mission to lead people into a growing and robust relationship with Jesus Christ. We are committed to creating environments where people are motivated to pursue intimacy with God, relationships with insiders, and influence with outsiders.

Women’s Revival Program

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Charles G. Finney, considered The Father of Modern Revivalism, once said that “when people enter into a revival, they no longer see men as trees walking (Mark 8:22-26), but they see things in that strong light which will renew the love of God in their hearts. This will lead them to labor zealously to bring others to Him. They will feel grieved that others do not love God when they love Him so much. And they will set themselves feelingly to persuade their neighbors to give Him their hearts.”

We hold yearly revival meetings to reintegrate our sisters back to God in a love-filled and spirit-filled atmosphere. Sometimes, you might be tired of trying to be a “good Christian,” you might be encumbered and worn out with church and personal activities, or you may experience heaviness and shame more than joy and freedom, then this revival provides you the opportunity to re-energize for God and yourself.

The Women’s Revival emphasizes the 10 cardinal principles embedded in the term V.I.C.T.O.R.I.O.U.S. as they apply to every area of a sister’s life.

At the end of the program, sisters will say with conviction:

I am Victorious because I am:

V – Virtuous
I – Intelligent
C – Caring
T – Teachable
O – Outstanding
R – Reliable
I – Industrious
O – Optimistic
U – Unstoppable
U – Sanctified

Victorious Women’s Conference

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We gather with go-getting women and their male peers to equip them with the latest tools and strategies for career advancement, personal wellness, and professional fulfillment at the GCC Women’s Conference, a premier conference uniting Christian sisters and their advocates. This is a full-day event that promotes leadership training, advocacy, mentorship, self-care, and balance as we continue adapting to the ever-changing ways of working and living, especially in the digital age.

Experience the Difference:

  • Vibrant and motivational keynote speakers
  • Informative breakout meetings with Q&A, plus alerts on timely topics
  • Exhibitor hall highlighting organizations that support career and personal growth
  • Sufficient networking opportunities to expand your community
  • Bookstore, on-site professional photographer, and more!

Send Us a Message!

Take the first step towards healing and hope. Reach out to us today and let us walk this journey together in faith.