
The height of a building is determined by the depth of its foundation. No matter how high and beautiful a structure is without a corresponding solid foundation, it’s only bidding for time to crumble. In the same vein, how far you go in life is a function of your spiritual foundation. A spiritual base comprises everything inherited from your biological parents. You probably often hear people remark. “oh he looks like the Dad” or something like, “she smiles like the Mom” or “she stammers when she speaks just like the Dad”. What all these insinuate is that there is something passing from your biological parents to you. If you looked deeper, you would understand that you inherit more than physical attributes or features from your parents. You inherit everything that passes through the blood line. These constitute your spiritual foundation.

Where this bloodline has been corrupted even without your covert involvement, you live to contend with a faulty foundation. What goes into your blood stream either purifies or contaminates you. If what you get are defilements because of the past misdeeds of your parents, they become spiritual contaminants which are potent agents to wage war against your spiritual DNA. You can then appreciate why many take giant leaps in life only to come crumbling down as fast as they went up.

Foundational enemies are therefore those powers opposing your destiny as a result of an inherited faulty background. Some common ways to leave a contaminated foundation to generations yet unborn are involvement in: idol worship, Satanism, occult practices, witchcraft, apostasy, etc. In fact, anything other than the worship of the Most High God leaves a trail of spiritual poisons through the instrumentality of curses and covenants that go through the bloodline to infect generations yet unborn.