
A point of circumstance needs proper explanation. Sometimes things happen that you just can’t explain. It is beyond you or your will power to stop it. It may have its roots in a prior decision or action you’d taken consciously or unconsciously or it could just be of an inexplicable roots, in which case it may be orchestrated by Satan. When an external factor influences your life, it could either move you forward or backward. This is a situation where you don’t have to decide. In fact you are forced to take a passenger’s seat for a journey you may have no idea of its destination. A friend of mine was arrested by the police for speeding. When his information was pulled, they noticed that a prior immigration flag had been issued against him. What started like a minor traffic offence resulted in his deportation back to Africa. That incident became a critical point of circumstance in his life. He had no say, nor was he able to stop the chains of events that later developed as a result of this one situation. The force against Joseph was so intimidating that when the time came for him to be finally captured and imprisoned in a pit, he could do nothing about it. This was a critical point of circumstance in his life because the fulfillment of his destiny thereafter dependent on this singular event.

Circumstances potent enough to constitute critical points in your life could be the ones you contributed to directly or indirectly or the ones that appear on the scene without your covert involvement. Daniel’s presence in the lion’s den was not his decision, yet this was a Critical Point in his life. Circumstances forced this on him. And when I say “circumstances” I use the term loosely. Natural occurrence with catastrophic results like famine or earthquake and the like is one instance. Naomi and Elimelech were forced by famine to relocate to the land of Moab. Decisions you make when you are at your wits end is another example. Many at their cross-roads are known to take decisions that are for the most part devoid of logic. Also, your decisions could be tainted by external influences chief among them being the direct influence of Satan. This should not surprise you as a Christian. The bible makes it abundantly clear that Satan is the prince of this world. So long as you are a child of God, especially one that is desirous of living a godly life, you are prone to his manipulations. Many of the circumstances that alter your course in life are as a result of these manipulations.

Joseph’s siblings did not just set out to derail the destiny of their brother. They were under satanic influences, and they were not sensitive enough to stop them. Many homes that are broken initially were set up to last forever – for better for worse. When Satan creeps in unnoticed through the cracks couples inadvertently left open, slowly but surely he gains dominion and the results are disagreements that refuse to go away most of the times resulting in divorce. Many deadly diseases are a direct bye product of the influence of Satan. The only serious snag is that the society has become incapable of understanding because of the degree of “sophistication” that it snubs at attempts to address this situation at its foundation. You become susceptible to satanic manipulations when your relationship with God is not strong and if your foundation is spiritually corrupted by Satan. Even many Christians who strive to live a godly life still find themselves tossed around by one satanic attack or the other. If you traced prayerfully, you would come to a conclusion that there is a problem in their foundations.

A foundation is one’s base, a platform on which one’s life stands. It’s the bedrock of your spiritual growth. The height of a building is a function of its foundation. Any building erected on a faulty foundation would not stand serious bombardment from the storm. Spiritually, how far you go in life is a function of your foundation. The ease with which your prayer is answered is also a function of your foundation. A faulty or corrupted foundation impedes your destiny.

Two of the things that corrupt your foundation are the presence of an idol in the family line and covenants to Satanic powers. Whether you are aware of them or not is of no importance. So long as you are a member of the household, you are a partaker because it travels through the bloodline. See Lamentation 5:7: Covenants not performed attract curses, and these curses corrupt the spiritual DNA of a person. DNA is a hereditary chemical material in a living organism which stores and transmits critical information needed for the proper functioning of its organs. These pieces of information are stored in coded form. If an external phenomenon occurs to distort this information, it brings about a corruption with dire consequences. In the same vein, every Child of God has spiritual DNA. Information is stored in the DNA in coded forms, and this information is the promises of God for that Child of God. Because they are in coded forms, it takes special abilities to decipher them. That is why not every Child of God understands or can tap into the promises of God for their benefits-because of ignorance. And these promises could be corrupted because of faulty foundation. I have addressed this sensitive topic carefully in my book “Living In Victory: 3 Practical Steps To Overcome Satanic Manipulations”.

A critical point of circumstance does not have to be all adverse. A pleasant experience which you have in no way instigated could become a critical point of circumstance in your life.